What We Do

Some say we’re miracle workers!

“Great to meet you. What do you do?”

I was sitting with a client when a colleague of theirs walked up. They offered introductions and the conversation went like any introductory conversation does.

“What do you do?

Before I could answer the question, the client responded “She’s a miracle worker”

We all laughed and I called dibs on claiming that as part of my elevator pitch.

Executive Assistant

Our personal assistant clients are all over the board in terms of what they do as a job, but our goal in any case is simple: facilitate an environment which allows you to focus on your sweet spot. No more missed meetings or drowning in a sea of emails. Let us give you permission to say “no” to the things you aren’t wired to do.

Project Management

Whether it’s a short term project or long term project, whether you’re working solo or with a team, we can manage the details involved in bringing a vision to life – deadlines, deliverables, the steps between Point A and Point B. Let us help you craft a plan to bridge the gap between ideation and implementation.

Productivity Consulting

Just as you consult a financial advisor about how to best budget your money, sometimes consulting a detail-oriented productivity specialist is the best way to learn how to budget your time. We can help you dig into how your time is being spent, identify ways to work smarter to free up time, and increase your productivity.

Just Need a Conversation?

You have a story – a unique story that needs to be told. The trouble is that most of us are too close to our own stories to see them and know how to share them effectively. We can help you discover your organization’s story and put a strategy in place to tell it. Send us an email, start the conversation.

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