Client Spotlight: Harris III
Who they are: Harris III
What they do: Harris is a Master Illusionist and Storyteller. A lot of people hear the word magician or illusionist and it scares them a bit. But, Harris is truly a storyteller whose medium happens to be magic. He uses his to shine light on the lies the world tells us and help people find the ultimate Truth.
How we help them: Our primary responsibilities in working Harris is handling his event booking process. We create all of his contracts and facilitate the process to get them signed, sealed, and delivered. We then advance all of his shows in terms of travel, lodging, host communication, etc.
We also keep Harris’ schedule on his website up-to-date, handle shipping of merch orders, and other random administrative tasks as they arise.
Throughout the time we’ve worked with Harris we have helped to refine his event booking process, improved the information gathering portion, systematized the filing of event related records, and more.
We love working with Harris because he is always full of new ideas. The clients who invite us to truly partner with them, welcoming our ideas for changes or improvements, are what make our jobs fun.
Read Harris’ story for yourself at