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Tool Tuesdays – Evernote

Evernote is a digital information organization powerhouse. It is my go-to tool for collecting information in the research process for projects, collecting images that inspire me, blog posts I want to keep for future reference, keeping important travel information easily accessible, and more.

Not only does it collect & organize information beautifully, it syncs over-the-air with your computer, iPhone, & iPad along with non-iDevices. This means my information is available anytime, anywhere.

One of my favorite Evernote features is the ability to share notebooks. It is great for collaborating with clients & works seamlessly for keeping important, frequently used information accessible to everyone.

Look for a series in the future that will drill down into Evernote a bit more & maybe give you some ideas on how to use it. In the meantime, give it a try if you haven’t already & let me know what you think. If you use Evernote I’d love to hear how you do so!



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